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For Immediate Release:
February 09, 2024
Media Contact:
Megan Nunez
[email protected]

Senator Rene Garcia Leads Efforts to Establish Miami-Dade County Behavioral Health Advisory Board

MIAMI-DADE – Senator Rene Garcia proudly announces the approval of the Miami-Dade County Behavioral Health Advisory Board. As the prime sponsor of this pivotal legislation which passed on Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2024, Senator Garcia has taken a significant step toward addressing the critical needs of the community in the realm of behavioral health.

Behavioral health, which encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, plays a crucial role in how individuals manage stress, relate to others, and make decisions. Senator Garcia spearheaded the initiative to create the Miami-Dade County Behavioral Health Advisory Board, recognizing the importance of addressing behavioral health disorders.

The purpose of the Behavioral Health Advisory Board is to assist public and private entities address certain matters impacting individuals in this community affected by behavioral health disorders. The goal is to establish a coordinated system of care, ensuring ample capacity to provide citizens in crisis with access to high-quality behavioral health and substance use disorder services. This initiative aims to increase accessibility to quality care and establish direct linkages to community-based services.

Research indicates that behavioral health disorders can have profound impacts on physical health, increasing the risk of conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, the onset of chronic behavioral health disorders often occurs during adolescence, emphasizing the need for early intervention and support. Millions of people in our community are directly impacted by these disorders, whether they have a condition themselves or support a loved one who does.

“I am dedicated to increasing access to quality and timely behavioral health services for all,” said Senator Garcia. “I firmly believe that behavioral health systems, providing inclusive access to a wide array of services, are essential for building strong and healthy communities.”