Request Public Records from Public Housing and Community Development

Public Housing and Community Development's (PHCD) records are available to inspect or copy. We will make every effort to expedite public records requests. However, depending on the size, complexity and location of records, it may take up to 30 days to process.

A request may be made by mail, fax, email or telephone. In order to expedite your request, please provide specific details that will assist us in gathering the information for your request. Prior to completing the request, PHCD will provide the requestor with an estimate for approval.

Miami-Dade County now has a new public records management tool that allows you to request and track its status online. Create a new account or log in to submit and see updates to your public records requests.

Confidential information will be redacted and kept from inspecting and copying. Although Florida Statues permit the release of certain types of client information, the federal government does not, based on the 2015-16 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Privacy Protection Guidance for Third Parties.

Phone Number(s)

Email / Mail

Locations and Hours