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Civic Partners

As of June 2021, 54 Civic Partner organizations have been onboarded to help steer Thrive305

A first round of Civic Partners were selected and onboarded in January 2021. The 50+ civic organizations that made up this group were identified as collectively representing the diverse geographies, constituencies, and needs of County residents. In a meeting convened to discuss the goals of the Thrive305 initiative, these Civic Partners workshopped the initiative’s approach to inclusion and community outreach with an explicit goal to engage people from all Miami-Dade County communities.

50+ Civic Organizations made up the first group of civic partners...
At the suggestion of the Civic Partners the project team created a cohort of “Thrive305 Community Data Partners” whose role would be to make the countywide survey the most inclusive issues-oriented survey in County history.

Six organizations were selected to be Community Data Partners (CDPs) based on their experience and success in helping Miami-Dade County reach a high 2020 Census participation rate by conducting outreach in communities that typically have low participation rates. CDPs were provided grant funding and lead a canvassing effort to reach many of the same communities where they had built trust and relationships with as part of the Census outreach process, this time to make sure that these communities would be represented in the Thrive305 survey.

At every stage of this process, additional groups of Civic Partners were integrated and onboarded to provide design input, feedback, and tactical support to ensure Thrive305’s success. One key outcome of this process for the Civic Partners is the wealth of knowledge that these groups, and by extension the communities they represent, have gained about this administration’s approach to planning and development. This network of organizations is now positioned to effectively help track the progress of implementing the Action Plan.

Civic Partners also discussed priority topics and questions for the survey, hosted town hall discussions during Civic Week, and served as experts and advocates in discussions with County leaders on policies, practices, and programs that should be prioritized in the Action Plan.