Sea Turtle Conservation Program

The Miami-Dade County Sea Turtle Conservation Program (STCP) was established in 1980 in response to disoriented hatchlings found along A1A in Miami Beach.  Before this time, sea turtle nesting was not being documented in the county. With the implementation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, the Parks Department and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission established the Sea Turtle Conservation Program to protect all species of sea turtles that call Miami-Dade beaches, home.  Because of federal and state protections of marine turtles, consistently monitoring their nests became a crucial component to ensure their survival. 

Miami-Dade County Sea Turtle Conservation Program biologist survey for marine turtle nesting everyday over 19 miles of the county from March to October. We are responsible for marking, monitoring and gathering data for nests, which is submitted to local, state and federal agencies.  The purpose is to allow assessment of the distribution, abundance and trends in Miami-Dade County’s nesting marine turtles, to facilitate protection, assess of nest productivity and improve conservation planning and management. Being in the public’s eye for the majority of our efforts, STCP biologist also act as stewards of conservation to promote and educate the citizens of Miami-Dade County’s charismatic sea turtles.

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