Home > Management and Budget > Budget > FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget > Transportation & Mobility

Transportation & Mobility


To provide a safe and resilient transportation system that enhances mobility, connects communities, and supports a prosperous County, while minimizing carbon emissions.

Goals & Objectives

Transportation system that facilities mobility

  • Promote efficient traffic flow on Miami-Dade County roadways
  • Expand and improve bikeway, greenway, blueway, and sidewalk system
  • Provide reliable, accessible and affordable transit service
  • Expand and modernize public transportation systems and options while minimizing carbon emissions
  • Facilitate connectivity at major points of interest and throughout the transportation system

Safe transportation system

  • Promote traffic and roadway safety
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Ensure the safe operation of public transit

Well-maintained, modern transportation infrastructure and assets

  • Harden and maintain roadway infrastructure
  • Provide resilient, well maintained, modern, and comfortable transportation vehicles, facilities, and structures
  • Promote clean, attractive roads and rights-of-way

By Strategic Area