Home > Management and Budget > Budget > FY 2024-25 Proposed Budget > Economic Development

Economic Development


To foster economic vitality by capitalizing on our strengths and by supporting investments in key emerging industries that increase opportunities for small businesses and the local workforce.

Goals & Objectives

An environment that promotes a growing, resilient and diversified economy

  • Promote and support a diverse mix of current and emerging industries vital to a growing economy
  • Create and maintain an environment attractive and welcoming to large and small businesses and their workforce
  • Expand business and job training opportunities aligned with the needs of the local economy
  • Continue to leverage Miami-Dade County’s strengths in international commerce, natural resources, and recreational and cultural attractions
  • Provide world-class airport and seaport facilities

Entrepreneurial development opportunities within Miami-Dade County

  • Encourage a dynamic and healthy small business community that reflects our diversity
  • Bolster opportunities for small and local businesses to participate in County contracting

Revitalized communities

  • Foster stable homeownership to promote personal and economic security
  • Increase economic opportunity and access to information technology for disadvantaged and disinvited communities

By Strategic Area